Located in East Asia and within both the tropical climate and the subtropical climate, Taiwan has a slightly higher latitude than most other coffee origins. The landscapes range from extensive plains to steep mountainsides. Production areas are designated according to administrative districts. These include Pingtung County, Nantou County, Taitung County, Chiayi County, Hualien County, Tainan County, Changhua County, and Yunlin County.
Pingtung County was the location of the Hengchung Tropical Nursery Ground which cultivated different cultivars of coffee under the Japanese Government-General. Pingtung would later became the site of large coffee farms, most of which are located on the Northeastern or Eastern mountains in the region.
The only administrative district not bordering the ocean in Taiwan. The landscape is mountainous. Guoxing Township is its largest coffee producing region.
(南投日月潭,出自Pixabay License)
Taitung County is situated between the Central Mountain Range and the Pacific Ocean. The coffee farms here enjoy plenty of sunlight and plenty of sea breeze. Many of the coffee farms could trace their history all the way back to colonial age.
(台東三仙台,出自flickr-Bally Tseng)
Chiayi County's coffee farms are mostly situated above 1,000 meters altitude. Coffee quality is excellent thanks to the temperature difference between day and night and the area's many micro-climates. Chiayi County is fast becoming one of the most popular coffee production areas in Taiwan.
Coffee farms in Hualien are mostly located on the mountains facing the Pacific Ocean or the many plateaus in the areas. The temperature difference between day and night makes the area suitable for coffee cultivation. Its large-scale coffee farms, Wuhe being the most famous, could trace their histories to the colonial age.
Tainan County's coffee cultivation and production chiefly happens in Dongshan, which is located on the hills between the Chiayi-Tainan Plain and the mountains. It's surrounded by three water dams. The abundance of water and the local microclimates are suitable conditions for cultivating coffee.
(台南七股鹽山,出自Pixabay License-cat7397)
Coffee farms in Changhua are located along the hills around Baguashan. The mid-to-low altitude climates are fill with sunlight and relatively moderate amount of rain during rainy seasons.
With only a few exceptions, most of the coffee farms in Taichung are located in the mountains and enjoy the benefits of the accompanying micro-climates.
(台中國家歌劇院,出自Pixabay License-hiten326)
Yunlin County has been a coffee production area from days of Japanese rule to the age of the republic. Gukeng was a major site of coffee production under US aid. Some farmlands like Shih Bi are right next to Alishan and the coffee quality benefits from the many micro-climates it brings.