Rank 01: 89.59

TSENG,FU-SEN / Royal Bean Geisha Estate

Lot info
  1. Lot Altitude: 1200 m
  2. Veriaty: Geisha
  3. Processing: Washed
  4. Lot Size: 30 kg
  5. Processing detail: Dry fermentation at 18℃ for 24 hours. Solar dried for 2 days and then mechanical dried at 30℃ for 5-7 days. Storage in walk-in cooler.
Farm info
  1. Area: 3 ha
  2. Farm Altitude: 1200 m
  3. Total coffee planted: 2500
  4. Annual Production: 500 (kg of green bean)

"Royal Bean Geisha Estate" is located in Hosa no Tfuya of Alishan in Chiayi County. Tseng, Fu-Sen, the person in charge, emphasizes that the coffee of "Royal Bean Geisha Estate" coexists with the natural environment. He has a simple and straightforward goal, which is to grow the world-famous coffee variety, Geisha, in a refined environment. He wants to dedicate all his efforts to creating the coffee with the best sensory taste and most competitive advantage. He wishes to make profits while harvesting good coffee.

Currently, the farm is solely growing Geisha. Tseng tries to create the most original flavor of Geisha through washed processing. "Royal Bean Geisha Estate" has its own coffee processing plant; therefore, he is so confident of his own beans because he can maintain stable quality.

He believes that the importance of participating in PCA is to increase the recognition of his farm and then to expand to the international market. This also means that his coffee must show high quality correspondingly. Taiwanese coffee needs to exploit its own advantage to develop sustainability in the international market.

Growing coffee in Alishan occupies most of Tseng’s time. But he believes that everything is worth it. He has passion toward the land and wants to do his best to grow specialty coffee. He carefully considers the conditions of cultivation such as direction, altitude, and soil properties before deciding where to plant the coffee trees. In addition, the surrounding vegetation creates synergistic effect with his coffee trees. His ultimate dream is that coffee lovers from all over the world would like to make a visit to Alishan in Taiwan because of the coffee of "Royal Bean Geisha Estate."