國際競標批次(lot 1 – lot 9)直接實際採購的對象只有下列品牌:Urban Coffee Roaster、Simple Kaffa 興波咖啡、KAKALOVE CAFE、Pebble Coffee 圓石咖啡、HWC 黑沃咖啡、Cafe Sole Coffee Company、Coffee Stopover、自家股份有限公司 Cica Enterprise Corp、Vela Ethan 維啦怡森、Desolate Coffee蠻荒咖啡、Paradise Coffee Roasters、Hatch Coffee、Rogue Wave Coffee、4 Arts Zero Defects Coffees、Coffee Project NY、Carborro Coffee、L’escagot d’or cosmetocafe、Jihe Coffee、Fun’s Choice 趣选国际、Soul g Coffee、珍伊咖啡国际学院,、几何咖啡、Wataru for Coffee Tonya、Blue Bottle Coffee、Sulalat Coffee Trading。
2021 Taiwan PCA標章僅供實際採購國際競標批次(lot 1 – lot 9)及國際非競標批次(lot 10 – lot 15)之廠商,用以銷售、行銷、推廣該批次之生豆或熟豆產品使用。其他單位未經同意或非直接採購於上述品牌標得之賽事批次者,不應使用本賽事標章,亦不應該使用賽事批次等文字於行銷宣傳上,避免造成消費者混淆。
往後我們會在賽事規章上研擬更嚴謹的規範,要求農友即便是同時生產(包含採收及後製)的豆子,不應以賽事同批次等容易混淆市場認知之名義進行銷售。對於非自賽事平台或得標廠商採購取得之商品,以Taiwan PCA賽事標章或名義銷售者,我們亦將採取相應的法律程序,盡力維繫參與本活動所有成員的權益。
PCA Taiwan賽事承辦單位
This year, Taiwan Coffee Laboratory, on behalf of the Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan R.O.C. (Taiwan) and Taiwan Coffee Association, is enlisting the help of Alliance for Coffee Excellence to host the first ever Private Collection Auction of Taiwanese specialty coffee.
Taiwanese farmers have been growing coffee for more than a hundred years. Since Taiwan Coffee Laboratory started working with the central government and local governments to organize national coffee evaluations and regional competitions, they have witnessed a significant increase in the cup qualities of locally grown specialty coffee. This auction will honor the incredible work of the local Taiwanese coffee farmers and share their prize coffees with the rest of the world.
This year's nine (9) auction lots, each having received a score of 86 or above from our team of international jurors, would be auctioned off on ACE's auction platform on August 31, 2021. Purchasing this sample set mean you are eligible to participate in the auction without additional registration fees.
As a bonus, we have also included the six (6) non-auction lots that made it through the final round of international cupping in the box of samples. If you are interested in these six non-auction lots, please email us at pca@tcl.coffee, and we will help put you in contact with their producers.