Rank: 01
Cultivar: Geisha Processing: Natural Farm: Zhuo Wu Mountain Coffee Farm
This year's nine (9) auction lots, each having received a score of 86 or above from our team of international jurors, would be auctioned off on ACE's auction platform on August 31, 2021. Purchasing this sample set mean you are eligible to participate in the auction without additional registration fees.
As a bonus, we have also included the six (6) non-auction lots that made it through the final round of international cupping in the box of samples. If you are interested in these six non-auction lots, please email us at pca@tcl.coffee, and we will help put you in contact with their producers.
The six (6) non-auction lots that made it through the final round of international cupping. If you are interested in these six non-auction lots, please email us at pca@tcl.coffee, and we will help put you in contact with their producers.